Umberto Navarra
Technip FMC
Umberto Navarra is a Discipline Coordinator at TechnipFMC Italy where he is leading the Valve Team at the Automation and Instrumentation Dep. His career started in AVIO (Aerospace Industry) as Specialist for valve maintenance. After six year he moved to Metso Automation (today NELES) where he worked more than sixteen-years as Inside Engineer and Area Sales Manager serving the major EPC contractor in Italy. He has participated actively during his career to more than 50 projects for Oil and Gas sector. In addition he is a regular contributor of the A.I.S. (Associazione Italiana Strumentisti) where he seats in the Board of Rome section. He likes to live in a small town outside Rome although he works in the city and can be contacted at umberto.navarra@technipfmc.com