China Prioritizes Central Asian Pipeline Project Amid Energy Security and Diplomatic Considerations
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China is ramping up efforts to construct a long-delayed Central Asian pipeline to import gas from Turkmenistan, while simultaneously facing Russia’s own Siberian pipeline proposal. The construction of the “Line D” project, which is part of China’s Belt & Road Initiative, has faced challenges due to complex price negotiations and technical difficulties associated with crossing three other Central Asian countries. However, Russia’s pursuit of the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline, aimed at compensating for reduced sales to Europe following the Ukraine crisis, presents an opportunity for China to advance its Central Asian project. Chinese officials view the Central Asian pipelines as strategically important for China’s energy security and geopolitical interests, prioritizing them over commercial considerations. While China may eventually pursue both pipeline projects to meet its long-term gas requirements, it is currently focusing on Turkmenistan due to its objectives of expanding trade, securing energy resources, and ensuring stability in the western Xinjiang region.