Eni, Reducing Methane Emissions: A Commitment to Sustainability
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Methane emissions along the Oil & Gas production chain have garnered significant attention in the international climate debate due to their high climate-altering potential and the technical-economic feasibility of reducing emissions in the short and medium term.
The main sources of methane emissions stem from unintentional releases into the atmosphere (i.e., fugitive emissions), unburned fractions present in flare gas and exhaust gases from combustion systems, and venting. Eni confirms the stability of Upstream emission intensity below 0.2%, in line with the “well below 0.2%” target of the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) by 2025, which Eni has already achieved. This is achieved by focusing particularly on reducing fugitive emissions and through projects for methane abatement from venting and flaring. Eni’s methane emissions have decreased by over 50% in 2022 compared to 2018, primarily due to the implementation of Leak Detection And Repair (LDAR) campaigns in almost all Eni-operated assets. In 2022, Eni has contributed to launching the Aiming for Zero Methane Emissions initiative with OGCI, which now has over 90 participating companies.
To ensure greater transparency in methane emission reporting, the company is implementing a measurement plan at their operated sites using the best available technologies on the market, in line with international guidelines shared in the OGMP 2.0 program. This campaign will also allow Eni to set a new emission reduction target for 2024. In 2023, Eni achieved the Gold Standard, recognition obtained for presenting a robust implementation plan for emission reporting in line with the OGMP 2.0 program.