NEW DATE: MAY 25TH-26TH 2022
Dear Visitors,
the widespread consequences of COVID-19, including health and safety concerns, travel restrictions and impacts on the global valve industry, represent an extraordinary challenge for the world. Therefore, IVS Organizers, Confindustria Bergamo and Promoberg, have decided to postpone the 4th edition of Industrial Valve Summit in Bergamo to 25th-26th, May 2022.
The decision has been taken after a deep consultation with exhibitors, partners and industry stakeholders.
The Organizers will keep on talking with the IVS community and investing on technical and scientific contents in order to enhance the 2022 edition conference and programme.
Don’t miss the chance to discover all the news and updates about IVS 2022 edition.
Stay tuned and keep following us!
Looking forward to seeing you in Bergamo for the 4th edition of IVS Industrial Valve Summit in May 2022.