Westinghouse and Bechtel Bid to Equip Czech Republic with Advanced AP1000 Nuclear Reactors
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Westinghouse Electric Company, in collaboration with its construction ally Bechtel, has put forward a proposal to provide the Czech Republic with up to four AP1000 reactors, which represent the pinnacle of safe and modern nuclear technology. The offer includes the construction of one AP1000 reactor at the Dukovany nuclear facility, with the possibility of adding another there and two more at the Temelin site. Since 1993, Westinghouse has been intricately involved with the Czech nuclear sector, initially by delivering sophisticated Instrumentation & Control systems to the Temelin plant.
This partnership has fostered a growing local supplier network. From 2024 onwards, Westinghouse is set to become the exclusive Western provider of nuclear fuel for the Dukovany and Temelin sites, catering to countries that operate older Russian nuclear reactors. The joint approach by Westinghouse and Bechtel to engage the local supply chain is expected to broaden the scope for Czech companies to engage in the nuclear project. The adoption of AP1000 technology in neighboring regions is anticipated to enhance the Czech nuclear industry’s dynamics, offering local suppliers more opportunities to contribute to projects across Central and Eastern Europe. Notably, the Polish government has chosen the AP1000 reactor for its inaugural nuclear energy initiative. Similarly, Bulgaria has opted for AP1000 technology for new units at the Kozloduy site, and Ukraine plans to construct nine AP1000 units across various locations. The AP1000 stands out as the sole operational Generation III+ reactor that boasts entirely passive safety systems, a modular construction approach, and the most compact design per megawatt-electric (MWe) available in the market.